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According to the official register kept by the Ministry of Finance, the central government debt** as at end-June 2016 stands at EUR 13,363.0 million. Domestic debt amounts to EUR 3,508.5 million and external debt - to EUR 9,854.6 million.

At the end of the reporting period the central government debt/gross domestic product (GDP)*** ratio is 29.3%, with the share of domestic debt being 7.7% and of external debt - 21.6% of GDP. In the central government debt structure, domestic debt at the end of the period amounts to 26.3%, and external debt - to 73.7%.

The debt currency structure as of the end of the month is as follows: 78.9% in EUR, 20.2% in BGN, 0.6% in USD and 0.2% in other currencies.

Central government debt payments as at end-June amount to BGN 1,382.8 million, of which BGN 1,045.5 million principal repayments and BGN 337.3 million interest payments.

In June, the central government guaranteed debt reaches EUR 208.3 million, of which EUR 31.9 million domestic guarantees, with the government guaranteed debt/GDP ratio being 0.5%.

The Bulletin can be found in the Statistics Section/ Central Government Debt and Guarantees Monthly Bulletin.


* In accordance with Article 36, para.3 of the Public Finance Law /in force from 01.01.2014
prom. SG, issue No 15 of 15.02.2013, amended SG, issue No 95 of 8.12.2015, amended and supplemented SG, issue No 43 of 7.06.2016/ each month, starting from June 2016, the Ministry of Finance will publish information about central government debt and guarantees.

** Central government debt is the debt of the central government pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community.

*Forecast GDP data as per the updated spring macroeconomic forecast of the Ministry of Finance for 2016.

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