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According to the official register maintained by the Ministry of Finance the government debt as at the end of September stands at EUR 11,715.7 million. Domestic debt amounted to EUR 3,836.2 million and external debt to EUR 7,879.5 million.

At the end of the reporting period the government debt/gross domestic product (GDP)* ratio was 26.7%, the share of domestic government debt being 8, 8% and of external government debt - 17, 9% of GDP. In the government debt structure at the end of the period domestic debt amounted to 32, 7%, and external debt - to 67, 3%

The debt currency structure as of end-September is as follows:  78.6% in EUR, 20.4% in BGN, 0.4% in USD and 0.6% in other currencies.

Government debt payments in September amounted to BGN 1,236.83 million.

As regards the currency composition of payments since the beginning of the year the greatest is the EUR share - 60.8%, followed by those in USD - 27.5%, in BGN - 11.6% and ¥ - 0.1%.

In September the government guaranteed debt reached EUR 296.7 million, of which EUR 25.0 million were the domestic government guarantees, and the government guaranteed debt/GDP ratio was 0.7%.

You can find the bulletin in section "Statistics".


* Forecast GDP data as per the updated autumn forecast of the Ministry of Finance for 2015.

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